Insurance Revenue Account & Profit Modelling (Part B) (Start in March 2022)

Insurance Revenue Account & Profit Modelling (Part B) is the extension of intermediate level course Insurance Revenue Account & Profit Modelling (under “Cash Flow Modelling on Spreadsheet” series), which aims to provide more in-depth understanding on how we can model insurance cash flows on spreadsheets – particularly commission, expenses, reserves, taxation and profits.

Insurance Revenue Account & Profit Modelling (Start on 2 Dec 2021)

Insurance Revenue Account & Profit Modelling is the intermediate level course for “Cash Flow Modelling on Spreadsheet” series, which aims to provide more in-depth understanding on how we can model insurance cash flows on spreadsheets – particularly commission, expenses, reserves, taxation and profits. This course also introduces techniques used to setup a cash flow model that can be used for sensitivity and stress testing, by…